Educational games for children from 2 to 4 years old, which will help your child acquire the skills and abilities necessary for this age.
This is a fun way to learn how to correctly identify and distinguish colors, sizes and shapes, will teach your kid logical thinking and choosing the right solution in various situations.
These games are suitable for both boys and girls of younger and preschool age. This baby games app is completely free and without any ads.
This adventure will keep children busy for a long time, they will be able to spend time with interest on their own.
Embark on an exciting journey to the world of the underwater kingdom and the cheerful inhabitants of the depths.
Twelve games with treasure hunt, shipwreck, marine life and much more ...
- Arrange marine life by shape
- Collect the ship and it will sail
- Give the animals the right shapes
- Arrange the characters according to their habitats
- Open the chest
- Arrange the stars by color
- Logic challenge
- Collect puzzles
- Shapes by shape
- Fruit by size
- Memory exercise
- Hide and seek, find the characters
An ad-free game for little kids with a very simple, accessible and safe interface. Download the app and play offline. Free games enable children to learn, gain skills and develop. The app is approved by child development experts. Family games for toddlers help them learn and improve their skills while having fun at the same time. For preschool children, mainly boys and girls 2, 3 and 4 years old. Ad-free games for baby.